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The Oxford Promotions Action Committee Inc (OPAC) is a volunteer group passionate about promoting Oxford as a place to live, work and play. We believe we live in the greatest little town in New Zealand, and we were established over 20 years ago and are still going strong today!


We work on various exciting projects and events for the town. Some are the magical Winter Lights Festival and the ever-famous Garage Sale Trail.  We are also behind a proposal to lower the speed limit through town, and we had to work hard to get that new mural on the public toilets! However, that's just a tiny snippet of our projects. There are plenty of others.

We meet for 2 hours on the third Monday of every month (except December and January) at 7 pm at various locations around Oxford. Come and check us out. You don't even need to be a member to attend a meeting. 


We aim to:

  1. Promote and celebrate the beauty, attractions and services of Oxford. 

  2. Encourage community and economic development. 

  3. Enhance employment and business. 

  4. Encourage the community, visitors and tourists to experience and enjoy Oxford. 

  5. Engage the public in community events.


An elected Executive Committee governs OPAC with an AGM held every March. The current OPAC Executive Committee is:

Chair:  Peter Reilly (Black Beech Wine & Pizza Bar)

Deputy Chair: Gillian Krzanich (Sprout Accountants)

Secretary: Post to be filled

Treasurer: Sarah Shand (Emma's Bookstore)

We encourage you to join us and have your say!  We welcome business owners, community groups and individuals.

Membership is only $40 inc GST per year. Plus, if you own a business that serves the Oxford community, you will receive a business listing on this website.


And the best thing is that all your membership fees are used for OPAC projects in the community.

Winston Churchill

“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.”

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